Drill and Collect - Idle Miner

Drill and Collect - Idle Miner

Developer : Apps Mobile Games

  • Platform:


  • Version:


  • Updated:

    Jul 28, 2023/Jul 18, 2023

  • Size:

    98 MB/205.1 MB








Welcome to the world of Drill and Collect - Idle Miner! In this game, you'll embark on an exciting mining adventure, digging deep into the earth to uncover precious resources. This guide aims to provide you with tips, tricks, and strategies to help you progress through the game efficiently and maximize your mining operations. Let's get started!

Drill and Collect - Idle Miner is an incremental mining game where you control a team of miners and upgrade various tools to increase your resource extraction capabilities. The more resources you collect, the more upgrades and opportunities you unlock.

Upgrade your equipment:

To increase your mining efficiency, focus on upgrading your drills, trucks, and other equipment. Upgrades can boost the speed and capacity of your drills, allowing you to collect resources faster. Prioritize investing in upgrades that directly impact your mining productivity.

Hire skilled miners:

As you progress, consider hiring skilled miners who possess unique abilities or have increased mining efficiency. These miners can significantly enhance your overall resource collection rate. Look out for miners with special skills like faster drilling or increased resource yield.

Optimize resource management:

Efficient resource management is key to success in Drill and Collect - Idle Miner. Keep an eye on your resource levels and allocate them wisely. Avoid stockpiling too many resources if your storage capacity is limited, as it will hinder your ability to collect more resources.

Utilize boosters and power-ups:

Throughout the game, you'll come across various boosters and power-ups that can provide temporary advantages. Activate these strategically during peak mining periods or when you need a significant boost in resource collection. Make sure to use them wisely to maximize their effects.


Complete missions and achievements:

Drill and Collect - Idle Miner offers a range of missions and achievements to complete. These tasks often reward you with additional resources, upgrade points, or special bonuses. Prioritize completing missions and achievements to accelerate your progress in the game.

Utilize offline mining:

One of the unique features of Drill and Collect - Idle Miner is the ability to continue mining even when you're not actively playing the game. Take advantage of this feature by ensuring your miners are active before closing the game. When you return, you'll find additional resources waiting for you.


Participate in events and competitions:

Engage in time-limited events and competitions that provide extra challenges and rewards. These events often have exclusive bonuses or unique mining opportunities that can boost your progress. Make sure to participate actively to gain an edge over other players.

Prestige and start over:

Once you reach a certain point in the game, you'll have the option to prestige. Prestiging allows you to start over with increased bonuses or special perks. This feature enables you to progress faster during subsequent playthroughs, so don't hesitate to prestige when the time is right.


Be patient and persistent:

Drill and Collect - Idle Miner is a game that rewards patience and persistence. Progression might seem slow initially, but as you accumulate upgrades and enhance your mining operations, your efficiency will skyrocket. Stay consistent, keep upgrading, and enjoy watching your mining empire grow.

Drill and Collect - Idle Miner offers an addictive and rewarding mining experience. By applying these tips and strategies, you can enhance your mining operations, maximize resource collection, and progress through the game efficiently. Remember, upgrading equipment, optimizing resource management, and taking advantage of special events are key to becoming a successful miner. Happy drilling and collecting!



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